Assassin |
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True nameSasaki Kojirou |
Also known asNameless Samurai | |
MasterCaster | |
GenderMale | |
AlignmentNeutral Evil | |
Height176 cm | |
Weight63 kg | |
Place of originJapan | |
Noble PhantasmTsubame Gaeshi |
Assassin's supposed True Name is that of the mythical Japanese swordsman, Kojirou Sasaki whose real name was speculated to be Tsuda. His true name was unknown, and to be more specific, he never had a true name. Kojirou is known as a master swordsman whose existence is doubted even though his name remains recorded in history. He did not actually exist, so it would be impossible to summon the real thing as a Servant. The person summoned in his place is not a Heroic Spirit, but an existence closer to that of wraiths. If there was to be a database for all of humanity, he is the piece of data that best matches the parameters of Sasaki, so his personality would become Kojirou's personality and his monumental feats would become that of Kojirou rather than his own.
Combat skills
Assassin wields the Monohoshi Zao, an over five shaku long, 150 centimeter, Bitchu Aoe blade. He calls his sword a heresy, and says it will slice the head of one of average skill. He has no actual stances, meaning any seeming opening cannot be trusted, and the ability to use a sword of such length means that he has to be able to swing it from any position, even delivering slashes even while standing idly. The katana is a longsword not suited to direct competitions of power. It will break fighting off a sword like Excalibur, so he cannot lock blades or compete in strength. He can only parry blows and push the opponent back by attacking their body because the blade is meant to cut with speed and technique unlike western swords that cut with weight and power, making fighting styles between the two mismatched.
His swordplay is fast enough that even Saber has trouble following it. He works his sword like a hurricane, using elastic tracks to parry blows from opponents stronger and faster than himself, all while flowing toward the opponent's neck to decapitate the them with certainty should he detect an opening. Each of his attacks is fatal, meant to take the opponent's life by decapitation, so it is not possible to employ a strategy like taking a strike to then overpower him during the aftermath. He strikes with a curved path, a graceful arc that does not take the shortest route to the opponent like Saber's western sword. It would normally be that he should not be able to match a sword moving in a straight line and the length of the sword should make it easy to go inside his range after it is parried, but his sword techniques and Eye of the Mind, or simply dodging, allow him to counter the opponent’s attack and reduce the difference in distance to zero.
The perception of his eyes is the best among Servants, allowing him to see through the weapon and style of his opponent after crossing blades only a few times. He initially has trouble with Invisible Air because its distance cannot be gauged, making it too dangerous to close in and not allow him to follow through with his strikes. He eventually becomes able to judge its exact measurements without using magecraft or even exchanging actual blows with the sword. He is an unorthodox sword-user who is only able to improve on such techniques, so he mentions that figuring out the shape is "just a street performance." It stems from his Eye of the Mind, a sixth sense that very different from Archer's danger avoidance that originates from “predictions augmented by experience”. Assassin's ability can be called a natural talent to sense danger. It also allows him to see that Saber is unable to use her Noble Phantasm attack due to a lack of energy
Assassin is not skilled in magecraft. He is an oddity that fights under different battle conditions from other Servants, a "Saber-class defender", making him defensive compared to others being offensive. Fighting on the temple stairs gives him a higher position than his opponent, and due to the area being a Servant-killing battlefield and having Caster's anti-sorcery defensive barrier, the power of both magecraft and Noble Phantasms are decreased significantly. If the Noble Phantasm being used is not powerful, he will not take a fatal wound. He does not have any defense against curses, so he will likely instantly lose against such Noble Phantasms.
Assassin is quiet and composed, and while his general tone has a mocking nature to it, he takes it to another level with Caster. He is honorable in battle, always maintaining a degree of bushido, and he is not the type who would attack defenseless women and children. He willingly keeps Saber from exposing her name without any ulterior motives, and he prematurely stops their fight to keep an opponent from spying on her Noble Phantasm and possibly going after the weakened winner of the battle. He has no actual goal in participating in the Holy Grail War. He is not a Heroic Spirit, so there is no advantage to winning for him. He reveals his "true name" without regard, and seems disinterested in Caster's promised reward of making him into a real Sasaki. He only guards the gate while eagerly awaiting Servants to battle.

He greatly dislikes Caster, seeking to kill her if possible. Not wishing to be ordered around by a woman, her first Command Spell was to force him into obedience. During hollow ataraxia, he is very carefree and casual with her, freely insulting her and mocking her orders as he wishes. She attempts to have him do menial work, but he uses logic like that it would take more magical energy to take form to sweep than if she herself were to do it. True to her nature as a magus, the logic is impenetrable because she would never utilize magical energy frivolously. He mentions that he enjoys watching her interactions with Kuzuki due to him not giving her any recognition. It was one of his few sources of amusement, but eventually began to tire of it.
Caster borrowing the power of the Greater Grail was able to obtain fake Command Spells and she managed to summon a fake servant. He was summoned as a guardian and watchman for the front gate of the Ryuudou Temple. As an improper servant, Assassin is entirely dependent on Caster for mana and cannot move freely beyond the grounds of Ryuudou Temple. Furthermore, he lacks most of the usual parameters and abilities granted to his class. Because of his limited status, Assassin cares little for the Holy Grail, and outside of his duties to Caster, he only seeks to enjoy a decent sword duel.
Fate |
In the Fate scenario, Assassin drives back Saber during her first assault on the Ryuudou Temple. During their second meeting (anime only), he allows Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin to pass in order to engage Saber in a duel in which he is defeated. In the Visual Novel he is never seen after his initial confrontation with Saber. He is defeated at some point in the story but it is only mentioned and not shown leaving the identity of his killer unknown. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, it is revealed that Gilgamesh was the one who attacked the Ryuudou Temple and killed both Assassin and Kuzuki. |
Unlimited Blade Works |
In Unlimited Blade Works, Saber first fights Assassin while Archer fights Caster. In doing so, Saber notes the clear difference in their sword technique and survives Assassin's Tsubame Gaeshi. After Archer nearly kills Shirou, however, Assassin allows Saber to run to him, stating that her concern for her master is admirable. He then protects Saber and Shirou from Archer and engages in combat with him. The winner is not shown, as Saber and Shirou flee while they have the chance. On the last night of the Holy Grail War, Saber goes to the front gate of the Ryuudou Temple to fight against Gilgamesh. However, Assassin still exists and wants to duel against Saber. He is defeated by Saber due to his blade being bent from their previous encounter, which leaves an opening in his Tsubame Gaeshi. Soon after, he disappears peacefully. |
Heavens Feel |
In the Heaven's Feel scenario, Assassin is killed by the entity known as the shadow and his flesh serves as Matou Zouken's catalyst for summoning the True Assassin. |
Presence Concealment: D
Eye of the Mind: A
Knowledge of Respect and Harmony: B
Vitrification: B+

Fate/unlimited codes opening

Fate/unlimited codes ending

Fate/tiger Colosseum Assassin's ending

Fate/tiger Colosseum Caster's ending

Fate/tiger Colosseum Dark Sakura's ending

Souichirou and Assassin fighting against the shadows

Assassin in Fate/Unlimited Codes

Assassin in Fate/Unlimited Codes

Assassin in Fate/tiger colosseum

Assassin stage 4 in Fate/Grand Order